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EnBiorganic’s microbiology consists of several strains of naturally occurring soil bacteria that replace traditional microbiology for wastewater treatment solutions. Our refined formulation has been proven to treat wastewater with minimal energy input in traditional wastewater treatment processes and eliminate traditional biosolids that are harmful to the ecosystem. This supports a sustainable solution for the treatment of wastewater which is directly linked to improved economics, improved productivity and improved environmental performance.

Microbiology is derived from soil and is non-pathogenic. It is specifically formulated for a particular site; in essence, the bacterium is trained to feed off of a certain diet then released into that wastewater environment knowing its food source. Each dose of microbes will positively affect a measured quantity of effluent.

“EnBiorganic is redefining water and wastewater treatment solutions and its relationship with nature, in environmentally sustainable ways. Not only are we creating substantial value, but this also goes hand and hand with creating a positive impact on our ecosystem.”

– J. Rodney Dickerson, CTO and Founder

two people in lab looking at computer

Dedicated in-house laboratory

We utilize the engineering expertise from our in-house laboratory to resolve your wastewater treatment challenges with a cost-effective and customized approach tailored to your facility.



Your Turn-key Solution

Our autonomous active-bio dispensing into strategic collection sewer system locations increases additional bacterial growth before the soil bacteria reaches the treatment plant. In time, the soil bacteria will reach the entire collection sewer system improving its overall performance and health.